What are the benefits of a sound bath meditation? Can a sound bath meditation really improve health and wellbeing? In this article, we will explore 6 benefits of a sound bath meditation. Which include benefits for the physical body, mental wellbeing and energetic field. Check out the attached YouTube video sharing a guided sound bath meditation but be sure to get comfortable first! 

6 Benefits Of A Sound Bath Meditation [ free meditation ]


Guided Sound Bath Meditation [ free meditation ]





Benefits of a Sound Bath Meditation



1- Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Alpha and theta brainwaves are activated by the sound frequencies generated from the instruments used in a sound bath. This means that a sound bath meditation slows down our brain waves, allowing us to relax on a physiological level, which is great for stress and anxiety. 
free mindfulness guide pdf anam cara


2. Decreases Blood Pressure

Landry, J.M. did some research into Himalayan singing bowls and how they enhance physiological and psychological effects.
The study carried out measured blood pressure and the heart rate, both before and after exposure to the Himalayan singing bowl used in a sound bath meditation. In conclusion, the results found that exposure enhanced both blood pressure and heart responses. Which means that listening to the various vibrations and frequencies generated in a sound bath meditation can help to reduce high blood pressure.

3. Inner Calm

Quite often in meditation, people experience being constantly distracted by their ‘monkey mind‘ or more specifically, distracting thoughts. However, the healing frequencies generated in a sound bath meditation help to give the mind something to focus on. Which makes it easier to clear and reset your mind, allowing a deeper meditative experience, 
benefits of sound healing meditation

4. Reconnect With One’s Self

A sound bath is a deep form of meditation. They have the ability to allow someone to free their minds of daily thoughts, whilst at the same time, recharge their being with new energy or a new breath of life. The healing vibrations produced through sound healing instruments help to promote inner peace along with the expansion of consciousness and a refreshed perspective on life.

5. Speeds The Body’s Healing Process

In a study carried out in 1997, open-heart surgery patients were exposed to low-vibrational frequencies, aka psychoacoustic therapy. As a result, they spent fewer days in recovery, required less medication for pain and spent less time on the ventilator. Just was after experiencing just 20 minutes of sound therapy.
If this is not amazing enough, in addition to reducing pain, sound healing has also been shown to increase neural connectivity and speed the healing of physical wounds as well as ease chronic conditions.

6. Energetic Balancing

On an energetic level, sound bath meditation can assist in re-tuning the human being back to its state of optimum frequency. This is through a universal biological and physical principle which is known as Sonic Entrainment.
It is fascinating how human beings are so closely linked with vibration and frequency. Quite often, when our bodies become out of tune, e.g. a chakra energy centre becomes imbalanced. As a result, dis-ease and illness can manifest.
However, by simply re-tuning the bodies energetic back to the correct frequency for optimal health, we can reverse and heal dis-ease in the body.


Sound Bath Meditation: Conclusion

These are just 6 ways that a sound bath meditation can help to heal your physical, mental and energetic body. There are certainly many more benefits of a sound bath meditation. Furthermore, it will be exciting as science unveils more proven studies to support the fascinating healing reality of sound. 
If you want to experience the healing qualities of a sound bath, check out the video on this page. Alternatively, you can download a FREE MANTRA by signing up to our newsletter below.
Which sound healing instrument are you most drawn to? Let me know in the comments below!
Further reading:
benefits of a guided sound bath meditation




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